You were a Chihuahua and you were my pet.
You died even though I took you to two vets.
Two days from now will be my 52nd birthday.
But it will be ruined because you passed away.
When your life ended, it was a damn shame.
You were awesome and Puppy was your name.
I bought you and owned you for six wonderful years.
Your death has and will continue to produce tears.
Your death is something that I certainly regret.
You were my Chihuahua and you were a wonderful pet.
I am so sorry you have had to
I am so sorry you have had to experience this. My chihuahua is more than ten years old (she was a rescue), and we know the day is drawing near. I happen to believe, however, that a couple of Scriptures suggest all of God's creation will be restored---not replaced but repaired from the damages of death. I think our beloved pets will be in Heaven. (Scripture teaches that Jesus has a horse there---Revelation 19:11). Through my sixty-five years, six special dogs have been part of my life, and I fully expect to enjoy their company in Heaven.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
so sorry for your loss
so sorry for your loss