Terror Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago today, four innocent people in a pharmacy were shot.

It took just thirty something minutes for the murderer to be caught

The two employees survived but the pharmacist and his customer died.

The murderer is in prison for two attempted murders and two homicides.

The murderer shot those four people because of some medication.

He left two families without fathers and caused a lot of devastation.

When the victims loved ones were informed, it brought about misery and tears.

The victims are still missed by their families and friends after all of these years.

I was in that pharmacy and left just five minutes before the killer came there.

I was shocked and disgusted because what happened was horrible and unfair.

Because of a tray of Oxycontin pills, four people were shot and two of them perished.

But those two men haven't been forgotten and they will always be cherished.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Stephen Lovell and Richard Sommerville who were murdered ten years ago today on May 23, 2013.

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What a splendid gesture to

What a splendid gesture to honor them with one of your death poems.  You are quite the elegist, and you certainly set a standard on PostPoems for poems of this kind.
