The Broken Heart

I'm shocked and it's hard for me to believe.

My fiancee has left me on New Year's Eve.

I thought she loved me and it's hard for me to understand.

My fiancee said goodbye and she ran off with another man.

I was good to her and there is something I've come to regret.

She convinced me to mortgage my home and buy her a brand new Corvette.

She left me and it has broken my heart and reduced me to tears.

After this, I know that it will be impossible to enjoy the new year.

She ran off with that man in the Corvette that I bought.

I hope she and her lover will suffer, I hope they will rot.

She was supposed to marry me and give me a life time of happiness.

That wicked witch played me like a fiddle and now I'm so depressed.

When she ran off in the car that I bought, she added insult to injury.

My poor heart is broken and as I enter the new year, I'll be in misery.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a sad and fictional poem.

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So many of us have had to

So many of us have had to endure that . . .

Coerulescent [fka Starward]