I Laughed At Noah

I laughed at Noah and his family as they built their ark.

I made fun of them until they were ready to embark.

But now the rain is really coming down.

Noah is safe and I am going to drown.

The water is getting higher and higher, it's already above my knees.

Because of ignorance and arrogance, everybody will die, including me.

Noah did right in the eyes of God and survival will be his reward.

But I'm doomed because I didn't do right in the eyes of The Lord.

Everybody is panicking because we are all terrified.

This fate could've been avoided, that can't be denied.

People chose to lie, cheat, plunder and kill.

I will lose my family because of this ordeal.

I could've been a better person but I didn't even try.

I'm hugging my family one last time before we die.

People were consumed by selfishness, greed and arrogance and it's a shame.

As we perish, we can't be angry at God because we only have ourselves to blame.

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Wow!  I applaud this poem. 

Wow!  I applaud this poem.  Let me say it again:  I APPLAUD this poem.  Having written several poems with Biblical settings, I have a little experience with this genre, and I think your poem is particularly excellent.  The viewpoint in the poem, that of one of the scoffers who drowned in the great flood, is very terrifying; and you have done a good job bringing out the significance of his/her realiation that it has become too late to repent, and the utter futility of trying to make up for lost opportunity.  At a certain point, those who have rejected the Faith can only wait for the inevitable.  And your poem compels the reader to recognize that.


If I may say on the personal side:  I have followed and read several of your elegy poems, but the greatness of this poem exceeds what you have hitherto accomplished.  I hope---and I have even prayed, just now---that you will continue in this format, and that you will give us on postpoems an entire gallery of Biblical pictures.


And on an even more personal note, the timing and appearance of this poem helped me solve a small, but difficult, decision in my own life, and for that---as well as for the reading experience provided by this poem---I am most gladly grateful.  Please . . . please . . . please write and post more of these.  And I will also say, this will not be my only visit to this poem.  I am bookmarking it under my favorites. 

Coerulescent [fka Starward]