Farewell Francis

He was a great actor but sadly, he's not alive anymore.

He died thirty-seven years ago today on April 18, 1984.

He starred in "Moby Dick" and "The Man Who Could Cheat Death".

Thirty-seven years ago, he went to Heaven after he took his final breath. 

He starred in "Ten Minute Alibi" and an episode of "Doctor Who".

He was a gifted British actor and all of his fans know that is true.

He starred in "From Russia With Love", "Triple Cross" and "The Liquidator".

Francis died in 1984 and his talent is still appreciated thirty-seven years later.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Francis De Wolff (1913-1984) who died on April 18, 1984

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How unique---an actor's

How unique---an actor's career resume set in verse; I have never seen that done before.
