Ramona's Rules For Men

Fed up with dating so many losers lately so I made this list just this morning.


1. All men are to adore, worship and love me-Ramona J Thompson! If not, you are gay and not worth my time.

    Ok, you don't have to do all that, but you must at least like me!


2. I will text and talk to as many guy friends as I want and you will have no say in the matter even if we are

    dating. Because quite simple, platonic relationships are not cheating! You,  however, may not do the same 

     without my permission and my having first checked out the girl to make sure she is not a slut out to take 

      you away.


3. If I call you sexy, hon or any other cute nicknames that does not make us boyfriend and girlfriend. It is only

    harmless flirting or my way of showing that I care for you as a friend. Nothing more I unless I tell you it is.


4. I will not stand for work or anything else your life being put ahead of me. You may break no more then       2 dates with me. Anymore then that and our relationship (not friendship, that stays) will be considered

     null and void. With no second chances to be given.


5.  I am not at my phone nor my e-mail 24/7. If I do not answer, don't get your man panties all twisted. I am

      busy and have a life the same as you. If I'm not losing my mind not hearing back from you within 5

      seconds then please have that same respect not to lose yours over me. Leave me a message! That's

      what voicemail is for! I will return to you in due time. Thank you.


6. No naked or topless pics. (Even if you are my bf) I am a lady with morals and values that I compromise 

     for no one.


7. If we have broken up and I have made this clear to you. (You know who you are, G, the texts and stalker

     calls must not stop! I am not gonna marry you! Desperate ass!


8. If I am out walking and you don't do any of the following. 1. stop and stare. 2. say hi. 3. Offer me a ride 

     cause it is super hot out and I am weighed down with heavy bags. YOU ARE GAY!  YOU ARE GAY! AND DID

     I MENTION YOU ARE GAY! Enough said.


9. If I had a crush on in the past, please don't keep tearing at my heart by hanging out with my friend, the 

    new girl in front of me. It's too painful and rude to endure.


10. Last and final rule! Unless  I decide to change my mind which by the way is every woman's right. Absoluty not dating of my friends or meeting them at all! Not any of the female ones anyway  who I am

 afraid who would turn either into many hungry whores or bitter old hags trying to take you away from me. 


In conclusion, if you can live with these rules and date and or be my friend then you are officialy a man.


And I welcome you with open arms to my world. Ramona's world!  


Please feel free to relax and enjoy your stay. Ramona's kisses and refreshments will be served soon, lol!


2013 Ramona J Thompson 

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lol wink right back at ya

lol wink right back at ya baby

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