I hate my life

Added in 2011

I hate my life,
I am not sure if you know,
I actually want to end it
To destroy the cycle for good

It’s very pointless
Serving only to corruption
To those self-serving assholes
Those bastards with wings

Hidden horns
Behind halo’s of ivory
Ripped from the very skulls
Of endangered majesties

Feed your fancy
In your virtual adultery
Feed your cravings from my flesh
I don’t care anymore

Let your lust rise
I hope it consumes you,
Slowly.. painfully… without remorse
I hope you die alone

You will probably die
Hanging from a rope,
Your best friend in your hand..
Erect pointing to where you will never go.

I hate you..
The life you ruined,
The existence you stole
And the love you faked

I hope your world is beautiful
Just like you…
Wonderful.. just like you
I hope it’s perfect too.. like you

May it have the same hell
The same courtesy that you do
The same hollow animalistic drive
May it eat you alive.. somehow

I don’t care anymore
I hate my life,
I don’t know if you know
But I hate you more.

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Irockpoker's picture

Great job

Very deap and meaningful... Deap inside we make reality come to life in paper and that is what you have done :) please don't hate ur life enough to stop writing :))) be looking forward to reading many more :)))) I like


raminastar's picture

Thank you very much

I really appreciate your comment. Some how pain seems so much easier to write about then happiness..I suppose it wakes us something inside of us that may be dormant in times of joy. I wont stop writing, its my sanctuary.. I just need to find time to post what I write ;) Take care friend :)

Fitzgerald's picture

That's really deep. I felt

That's really deep. I felt what you put out there. Great job

raminastar's picture

Thanks Fitz.

Pain brings out such emotions I can't even begin to write down.. these are only the feeble attempts of my mind to release the vapors of that pain. To release enough pressure that I may stay a dormant volcano.. I am glad you found its deeper meaning :) Thank you so much for your comments.