A poem for Poppy

Added in 2011

My friend you’re a treasure and you will never know,
With a beauty so deep that the world just fades,
Into the darkness many times I have fell,
And it was your voice that brought me back to this place.

Your words like a hand on my heart that just heals,
Stopped the blades from crushing deeper within
Like a shield from the storm you were there,
Always holding my hand as I fought through the wind

You may never really know what it meant,
How your gifts have let anger subside,
How your insight have given me lift,
And helped me heal the scars from inside

With that I want you to know here today,
That there are people that will always give grief,
But I will always hear every word that you say,
And you will always mean the world, to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this for Lisa, it just popped in my head :)

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admin's picture


very nice!

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

raminastar's picture


Thank you very much :)