

Where in the vastness are you Momma?

What places have you been?

So much time has come and gone,

As a child I weep with in

Too long a veils stretched over my eyes,

I created you a dream,

For all the time you were not there,

I didn't want to see,

I'm older now the veils gone,

The truth is seeping out,

I love you momma, truthfully,

This I pray you never doubt,

I remember pretending as a child,

Like when I used to weep,

I'd pretend that you were holding me,

And singing me to sleep,

I remember when you did hold me,

And you'd sing as I cried,

I took in every second with you,

And held it deep inside,

The moments with you, that precious time,

I'll never understand,

You mean more than the world to me,

I still long to hold your hand,

If I was granted just one wish,

It would be for you,

I'd wish your vices to be gone,

And in that you'd be true,

It's all those things you cannot stop,

That keep you far away,

I want you to be mom you know,

And in my life to stay.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this August, 2003, I read it to her yesterday, September 23, 2003 I still love you momma

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