

There is a silence,

Just like a hole,

With a blackness,

That fills my soul,

In your absence,

I'm so alone,

Because of a silence,

That chills my bones,

The day that you departed me,

Was the day... I died,

I know right now its hard to see,

But, you'll never know how much i've cried,

Breathing is the hardest thing ,

For me to do right now,

This worlds took away my king,

I'm living but don't know how.

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PoeticParable_SporadicIntervals's picture

You express alot of pain in your writings.. once again the strongest line in your poem is your ending when you stated " I'm living but I dont know how" I feel that way everyday.. out of all the pain and suffering we wake up and go to sleep to find it the next day.. but in due time for the both of us it will go away