
Almost 3 years ago you died,

I never have gotten over it,

I think about you when I'm alone,

Wishing you had more time alive.

Late at night in bed,

I think about you,

Re-living old memories in my mind,

My heart still bleeds for you.

I still wish you were alive today,

I'm sort that you left me alone,

I miss the talks we had,

Fun places we went.

I miss your cuddles,

I miss the perfect cup of tea you made,

I miss coming to visit you,

But most of all, I miss you.

I cried oceans at your funeral,

I cried rivers for months after,

I still cry for you now,

I still wish you’d come back.

I don't believe it was your time to go,

You promised you’d always be around,

I guess you still are, in one way or another,

I’ll always miss you,

I'll always love you too,

Forever in my memory,

Remains the love I hold for you.

In Loving Memory For My Grannie.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for my gran who died almsot 3 years ago now, i still miss her loads, she was the only1 i ever trusted with anything and everything.

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