Like a truck through a playground,

I drove til I couldn't anymore.

I stood in the aftermath feeling

incredulous at what had just transpired.

No words were really sufficient except

those I delivered with cold efficacy.

All the while realizing that, in truth,

this would not have been so easy to do

had I the burden of looking in her tearful

eyes and openning my eyes wide enough to,

see the hurt I just placed there like the

unexpected shock of finding your nose bloody.

Loving words and reasoning logic and tearful

pleading as the hurt bursts forth to find

some purchase atop a rock to set itself as

if to do so would make the pain less so.

Unfortunately, there is no pain like that

of heartbreak and it is searing and intense.

That's what I did today.

I broke someone's heart and I did so with a

certain efficiency that is, by all reason,

unreasonable...and yet, the truth of it is

there is absolutely no easy way to end things.

As I said this is...absolute.  So what

is it that makes this a well that I have

visited so often that I no longer partake

of the cool water that exists there?

You see, this is how I capped the tasks I

needed to accomplish today...

I hurt someone who has already dealt with

more hurt than anyone should in a lifetime.

Where is the calm after this storm, I wonder?

I mean, once you do something that seems right,

it should bring peace to the soul and I find

none.  Perhaps this is the universe balancing.

What I do, or do not, feel is the price for the

choice that needed to be made for the better.

And sometimes, it takes pain to employ the

courage it takes to make a situation steady.

This, whether you want to take the action,

or not.  I didn't want to do this today.

But It became necessary and had to happen in

order to ensure that we both could see with

greater clarity. And it will be clearer someday.

Even if it isn't evident to her right this least that's my hope.

I hurt someone I didn't want to. And even if it

was for the future good, doing so broke two hearts.

This is the thing I did today.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Doing the one thing you never want to do is very hard...and it's never easy.

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