Overcoming infatuation



I miss her seductress stare,

One that truthfully cares best

About what happens next.

Oh for god’s sake let me rest!

This is not my fling chanced,

This is not my thing planned,

Though I dream of her face

As a constellation in the sky.

Am I forever destined to hide?

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patriciajj's picture

An infatuation can be a gift

An infatuation can be a gift or a curse, as you strikingly expressed in this moving heartsong. Though you desire rest, you conclude, in a beautiful, artful way, that resistance is futile. A timeless elegance sweeps through each line, turning the ordinary into something extraordinary. 

georgeschaefer's picture

Infatuation is fun up to a

Infatuation is fun up to a point.  You just have to know when to let it go and move on with your life.  It's only a problem if you allow it to turn into an obsession and then it can own you.