Privilege in an Imperfect World

by Jeph Johnson


In a slightly less imperfect world, the terms "racist" and "misogynist" should be reserved for the twisted ideologies subscribed to by KKK members and wife beaters rather than the phenomenon that occurs and is thrust upon anyone who happens to have pale skin or a penis.


"White Privilege" and Male Privilege" is eerily similar to the "Original Sin" of Biblical Christianity (which was a concept I never subscribed to even when I was a Christian).


In this scenario, the bigoted supporters of slavery who came before us are the racist "Adams", and the "man is the head of the household/church etc." forefathers are the misogynistic "Adams." (Notice I didn't say "forepersons"?)


In a nutshell, how does one "repent" from something they were "born guilty" of?


I used to get so frustrated when other Christians attempted to "convert" unbelievers by shouting "all men are sinners" at them rather than allowing them to come to their own conclusions regarding the subject.


The sin (for lack of a better word) of white and male privilege and institutionalized racism and rape culture should not fall on the shoulders of the very people those affected by the the racism and misogyny are trying to appeal to for support.


This might not sound like a popular opinion, but I believe the hearts and minds of men and Caucasians will show more sympathy for the cause of women, minorities and other oppressed classes if they don't start off being labeled "guilty."


I am an Atheist-leaning Agnostic, so I cringe a little telling this story. But here is what I tried to do when I'd "lead people to Christ" (in hindsight I am a bit ashamed at how well this worked): I would have real conversations with people so "sin" (or now: institutionalized racism/female oppression) became personally apparent to them.


Everything said might feel true (after all isn't "belief" what God wants?), but presenting the information was not the primary goal. The goal was changing hearts and minds.


I don't propose lying or holding back the information, I simply suggest leading off with something different.


Implying all men or all white people automatically discriminate is futile. Regardless of how truthful the statement is; it feels accusatory.


Instead I suggest people relate how all humans are multidimensional and therefore different classes have inherent discriminatory traits (black/white, gay/straight, male/female....heck we all feel more comfortable with someone "like us"!).


Since in America men and white people more often are in the majority and/or positions of power, let them come to the rationalization that this inequity unfairly affects women and minorities.


It is important to remember the disparity is not limited to race or gender. When it comes to oppression, economic status plays an even greater role. Of course on average woman and minorities share in that same economic disparity too, so to show the similarities between the "the poor" and the other oppressed communities combines and creates a (dare I use the term) colorblind and gender neutral coalition of compassionate and like-minded underprivileged individuals.


The "oppressed" become a less splintered group through redefinition, and you have created a happy majority of previously unhappy minorities.

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