Walk Me Home

August 2002 Poetry

It’s late,

the stars are out,

the moon is bright.

Your arms are wrapped around me,

as we sit in the park,

on the bench,

this lovely night.

I rest against you,

and feel safe.

Time flies by so quickly,

and it’s time for me to go.

I kiss you softly,

and start to walk away.

You live just down the road,

the opposite direction as I.

But as we depart,

we both turn around,

you grab my hand,

and walk me home.

Not a word spoken,

all along the way.

But our hands stayed together,

our bodies got closer,

and by the time I was home,

I was in your arms again.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 8-25-02. It's about a dream I had.

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I LOVE this poem.
Very sweet. Very romantic. Beautiful.