Hidden Secrets

Hidden secrets are buried,

deep within my soul,

of the times that I have lost it,

and times I lost control.


Secrets of my childhood,

like my grandfather and I.

And the times he’d smack me to the floor,

until I started to cry.


Secrets of not long ago,

of my early teenage years.

Cutting my skin deeper,

without shedding a single tear.


Secrets of the present time,

are just scars left from the past.

Memories of my depression,

and how I fell so fast.


These secrets will stay hidden,

so deep inside of me.

Locked up in a box,

never to be set free.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-2-02.

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Jasmyn Bennett's picture

Wow, you are an awesome writer. I really felt this poem, keep up the great work!!