Ablaze Sun

The light is shining,

upon my head.

Thinking of things,

that were better left unsaid.


The sun is fading,

yet I don’t know why.

Why the sun has set forever,

never again to light the sky.


The sun was once ablaze,

and lit this beautiful place.

As rays of golden sunshine,

shone down upon my face.


But now the sun is gone,

and left the world so dark.

No more walks along the beach,

or lit strolls in the park.


The soul of the sun is gone,

the light that shined has died.

And the last night the sun set,

was the last night that I cried.


The sun was my only love,

and with it my heart set too.

And little did anyone know,

that sun that set was you.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-2-02. I have no clue where I came up with this, but hey, I did, so I posted it. lol

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Veronica Williams's picture

I did enjoy this Jill. Keep writing...

Kelsey Carpenter's picture

It seemed like there was a lot of emotion put into this poem. I really liked it.

kiwi's picture

Wherever it came from it is a lovely poem.The loss of someone who lit up your world is well portrayed.

Smile.. it is the cheapest facelift.

Jared MacPhee's picture

Very nice poem. good continuous aspect with an emotional conclusion, the sun, and it rhymes! It shouldn't be such a surprise that a poem would, but i always enjoy one way more when it flows and ryhmes. "wish i knew how to spell ryhm, rime, ryhm?"
anyway.. a good read. =)

gentle's picture

Well done. Carries the different emotions included in losing love with the symbolism of the sun.
As we all know, without the sun, we cannot survive.

Keep writing

Amy Riberdy

Gentle is the night♥

Amy Short's picture

hey...i like your poem. i like your word flow and the style. i write too but i'v kind lost my inspiration at the moment. i wrote a poem one time and had no idea where i got it. you can check it out if you want. i think the name of it is something like "the wind blows" or something a long those lines. i haven't checked out any of your other stuff yet but i will...keep writing!

poetjewnita's picture

well i'll be damn.............i love this poem so much. it is filled with so much emotion. and you can picture everytthing like a movie. you are good keep spilling ink, you will make magic happen.

kat's picture

This is a very nice poem, good flow and a good read. One of the better ones featured in the Email Daily Random Poem. Good job.


Leah Broomfield's picture

You know, I can really relate to your words. THat really touched me. I will check more of your work, and know that I will enjoy. Thanks!!!

Corey Fox's picture

this is sad and sweet - i like it! please check out my stuff, also i have 3 books available through bn.com/amazon.com under the name Corey Evan Fox

one love Corey & co

Suzanne Atkins's picture

I love it, it flows so well and has a great rhythm to it. It holds great images and feelings of loneliness. I really like it. great work =)

Jack G.'s picture

You know, this poem actually touched me upon reading it, it moved me and kinda surprised me because thats how i feel about a certain someone, my sun set and she was my sun, its funny how i feel this way and i suddenly find your poem...all i can say is thanks, now i find im not alone feeling this way for someone. I know its not the greatest feeling in the world, but knowing your not alone is one of the best to feel :)

keep writing,
thank you,