You Can't See

2001 Poetry

You can't see how I love him.

You can't see how I care.

You can't see how I wouldn't be alive,

if he wasn't there.


You can't see how happy I am,

whenever he's around.

You can't see how he lifts my spirit,

so high off the ground.


You can't see the love,

that me and him share.

And you'll never be able to see it,

because you're never there.


You want me to erase my feelings,

the ones you know I've shown.

Because you never got to have,

a real love of your own.


Your marriage is over.

Love didn't last.

And you want to take the love I have,

because of your past.


But you can't take this love.

Not now, not ever.

Because you can't see,

this love will last forever.


You can't see how I need him.

You can't see what's so true.

Because all you can see is the hatred,

that I feel for you.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 9-25-01. At the time, my mother didn't really like my relationship.

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Just to let you know, first of all, I understand what that feels like, and you really don't think they understand, but trust me, sometimes they do know what they're talking about. Just hope that you never do, or you'll know the true meaning behind the phrase, ignorance is bliss