Too Deep?

2001 Poetry

Sometimes I wonder,

as I sit here by myself,

if you can love someone too much.

Can your love for someone,

be too deep?

Some say,

that if you let someone go,

and they truly love you,

they will come back to you.

But what if you both let go,

and wait for each other?

I truly believe,

that you can love someone too much,

and that a love can be so strong,

that it breaks you apart.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-23-01. I don't exactly know how I came up with this one....... but people liked it that have read it before so I decided to post it. lol

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Charlie Gane's picture

wow i really like this
i truely agree with you

James Boothe's picture

Soooo true. My girl said something to the same affect to me just yesterday. Scary. Anywho, I love this one. So far I've liked everything of yours that I have read, looking forward to reading more.