Dressed Sonnet


Dressed Sonnet

by Karyn Indursky and Ssmoothie


Upon strawberry smoothie wings of my muse
sonnets began to sing and dance freely
from line to line illustrating their shoes
as they prance this page doing a whealie
Ms. smoothie used her poetic blender
adding poetry wings flight of her muse
to make form anything, but slender
with women's shapes varying like blue hues

Spreading the ruffled feathers of a dove
lines began to soar like eagles over lands
with curiousity of a cat's playful love
the harmony sang from a rabbit's band

So long as silk softens like a caress
you shall cherish it like your best worn dress.

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bishu's picture

Wowey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wowey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Made me make a somersault. mah boat almost capsized.Lovely fond rememberance of SS & D one a feather & the other a winged angel-in-disguise......~~~~~~  play the tunes which will resonate forever in the minds of poets in bloom and poets-in-the-bud 



Poetic_Eyes's picture

glad you liked it

glad you liked it. what made it extra special was writing with ssmoothie. she's an amazing friend and poetess.