Thanksgiving Day Is and Means

Thanksgiving Day Is and Means

Karyn Indursky


Stuffed to the brim
with blessed food
cooked by loved ones
for a meal, not like any other,
in respect for all
that we've accomplished
in this world of ours
through the terrorists and births
with everything in between,
we are truly grateful
to have dirty dishes
showing we're not starving,
headaches taken away with advil
because of excessive communication,
messy houses
from loved ones making themselves at home,
toys scattered hazardously
by the innocent children bringing us love,
ripped tablecloths
exposing the urgency for forgiveness and patience,
and all these little things
that put our lives in disarray
for one day out of the year
as we sit and reflect upon
the miracle that we have each other
and our Almighty God
even when everything else shattered
to really acknowledge what
Thanksgiving Day is and means.

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