From the Shadows

From the Shadows

Karyn Indursky


From deep within the dark shadows...
a light showed with elegant beauty.
Far and wide, people traveled to see it.
No one was pure enough to get it.
Contests were held weekly to find a ruler.
Winning never happened.
They were all losers.
Everyone wanted the light without thinking, trying, etc.
What did it require to enter the mysterious light?
After a while, the people gave up.
Years later, it was noticed that the light was spreading.
Dumbfounded, people clustered around the opening.
Seeing in was not quite possible.
Groaning came from behind them.
Lost in contentment, the gut-wrenching sound was ignored.
The crowd slowly parted.
Emerging through the path was a figure draped with a black gown.
Closer and closer the figure came.
Cautiously, it caressed the opening.
Baffled, everyone gawked.
The figure opened the golden gates with grace.
It stepped inside.
Removing the gown the figure became vivid.
Before the people stood an angel.
Suddenly, the angel gave them a message.
Taken aback, the people became pure with proper behavior.
As they died, the light grew brighter as the gates opened.
Many lessons were learned.
the cycle began again and again.

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