The Thinker

Thoughts flow through my mind like water over a waterfall.

It starts slowly and soothingly,

But as it continues, it begins to quicken and deepen.

It turns into rapids.

Rapids that overrun, mix with, and eventually consume the weaker

Leaving only the strong, clear, expressive thoughts, and a few of the weak that made it through.

As it progresses, more and more thoughts are taken away,

Until the strongest are left and they rush over the edge.

They rush at such a speed that my hand can't keep up with my mind and some of the ideas are lost.

Lost in the churning and splashing of the waterfall.

Never to be remembered, but never to be forgotten.

They live their life of beauty,

But this beauty is only for the thinker.

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-iris -negrete's picture

hi. i read some of your other poems " Blue", " Orange" "Abuse"...
in some of them it seems that you are confined to should try free-verse lets you blow out raw emotion onto the page without putting down a word that rhymes, but doesn't fit in the situation.
also, try other topics besides YOURSELF haha...i don't mean to sound rude, but it honestly makes you sound a bit conceited. i know that it's important to write your feelings and thoughts down, and please do so, but try other topics as well. good luck ;)
p.s. good ideas behind this poem