
I look for the source of the disaster. I look in the mirror and it decides to screech. I'm lusting for love and a dime's worth of affection. Haunting vibrations are crippling my decisions. Everyday is unedited from the previous one. Looking for new high's in a comfortable setting. I want to change reality forever so I soak myself in fantasies and exchanges that don't really exist. Im sick of being stuck, nailed to my vexatious living pattern. That's what life is really about, patterns, how you change the patterns. How you leave a mark, a little piece of you, dwelling in forever. I'm a creationist, I consume to create, destroy to rebuild. I'm bored so I dang on the edge of abyss's . I want to see how fare I can go, not in the abyss of course but how deep can I scare history. It's all a matter of perspective really, what you sink your desire in. You could be the most beautiful tragedy, a crying saint, a god, love, a cashier. We don't live by rules, there can't be rules, we will never reach our full potential. We have to stretch every emotional and physical boundary we have. We have to be successful or we lose.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

That's what life is really about, patterns, how you change.....

:) loved this line


 That's what life is really about, patterns, how you change the patterns

Much Love


lynpi's picture


"How deep can u scare history" ?    Whatchoo up too anywayz....


i like wot u said  about patterns....  We soak ourselves in fantasies and exchanges that don't really exist.... 


                        nailed to my vexatious living pattern.....  nuthin' like a great escape