



Taught strings radiating a simple

Yet complex vision of beauty and tranquility.

A strong neck with a somewhat slender,

Soft, maybe even nondescript curves.

Gleaming polished mahogany goes unnoticed

To the public eye and it sits on the dusty

Shelves, alone and silent ,

Watching many moons go by.


A musical, imaginative mind happens

In the midst of it's wanderings to pass by.

It's plucked from the dusty shelf and forced into use.

Plunged into many long hours and snapping strings.

But alas!

But at last through the still air sings

The violin. Set between the shoulder and chin

Of the expressive art and motion of

The imaginative musician. 


It wails, sending chills down the spine

As the sleek bows rips across the strings.

Then, just as soon it switches to a 

Beautiful melody. It dances, it floats

The strings seem to become nothing

But air and wind.


It slows to an aching symphony

That produces tears and inspires


It bends, it twists, notes becoming

Words of expression. Sounds becoming

A form of the mind inside the musician

Inside the simple but complex violin.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

inspired by the fact that many things  and people are over looked for various reasons but when found (like the violin) and nurtured (what the musician did) beautiful things can happen which then produces expression and a way to communicate

9inety's picture

many things

can inspire, this is true. But you poet possess a knack for bringing beauty to life. This is a wonderful poem full affirmation and artistry.



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot