River of Life

2005 Poetry

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Lost in the rapids we call life,

as we toss and turn trying to survive.

We hold each other tired and cold,

while another controls our destiny.

We see others alone and tied to their ride,

with no chance to change their fate.

Bound with the weight of hopelessness,

awashed with the chasms foam.

If not for our love we too would be lost,

floundering over boulders and mud.

Our love allows us to hold our course,

our faith in each other keeps us secure.

Hold on to me my darling, my love,

for we shall endure these trials upon us.

Living our life while finding our dreams,

safe and serene at the end of the river of life.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for a Picture Challenge

New Horizons' Awards

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Awarded Poetic Constellations

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heatherburns35's picture

Great poem, and someone else
does control our destiny.