Moving On

2003 Poetry

The desert sands blow hot in my soul,

stirring emotions buried deep in my flesh.

Feelings bubbling up from the depths,

which I'm no longer able to confine.

The love that I lost so many years ago,

still causing pain while I weep from my heart.

Visions of her face appearing before me,

in a thousand clouds that grace the sky.

Old times written and stored forever,

in the journals of our life before she was gone.

Stories of the wonderful passion we shared,

like wild animals combined in heated embrace.

Difficult as it is I must force myself to move on,

for there has to be a new love to be found.

One that will take me further along life's journey,

creating new memories to share with the old.

Strength is the key and I shall not falter,

not give up in my quest for happiness in my life.

I control my destiny and direction which I go,

so step aside for I am good at being me.

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Jewel Phoenix's picture

So true...there aren't any words wasted in your poem, you can really build a picture of it in your head. Great piece.