Childhood innocence and ignorance,

Helped me annoint my Dad a King;

A Prince, I imagined myself; and by words,

I brought down everything under his domain!


Lest I forget the acts of boyhood;

That made me feel as if I could make no mistake!

What I said, I wanted others to accept implicitly,

Not knowing each one had a say!


Manhood made me lose my bachelorhood;

And be a dad to my only son;

Nevertheless, I lost all great imagination,

To keep my family on life’s wealth track!


Now: The older I grow, less confident I feel;

‘Am unable to compete; and feel so inferior!

As my financial support diminishes to naught,

I feel so lethargic and consider myself, a spent force!


Could I ever regain my lost confidence?

For my age is gone and patience running out!

Had I saved a little wealth, I would have had a social status;

But all that I’ve saved is not wealth; but good health and family!

A family that’s ready to share my ups and downs, till death!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem portrays the life cycle of a man, especially the author, right from birth till death; what type of imagination he has and what kind life he lives and how much he saves in the end.  The author finally says that he has saved only health and a good family (Wife and son) to share his ups and downs!


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bishu's picture

Wife and son are your truest friends Mr Raj

This is one of your best contributions to postpoems.Wife and son are your truest friends Mr Raj--- so very true. Very nice poem !!! Not the "funky" type... a mature poem on Reflecting on Life's short journey.Looking at less fortunate people may make you feel better. Health and family are the greatest treasure.What no one can take away from you is your character and goodness which shows even when a person is ill-clad or ill-fed.



pbenarumairaj's picture


Mr. Bishu,

You have proved yourself to be a genuine Indian character who values the family a lot. As any activity of an Indian revolves around the family and nothing else, we give the family the utmost importance! Thank you soooooooooooo much for your comment and great understanding.


bishu's picture

Thanks Sir Ben

Thanks Sir Ben. Family is the Sun around which individuals revolve (in my view) Of course I am an Indian inside out & I'm proud of it.
