"In The Rubble Of Educated Shadows"

In The Rubble Of Educated Shadows

A ruler is twelve inches long

at least I think it is

I'm not real educated

but that seems relatively obscure

compared to a yardstick of arrogance

and longwinded sentences that go on

and on

without the aid of comma's and periods

to structure the wind of my sails

in her season of discontent

and abandonment.

I peeked inside a college classroom

just once

it's as close as I ever got

the place was filled with

professor's and students

though I couldn't tell who was who

amongst the rubble of too many tongues wagging

all at one time

I guess they were having a party

there were balloons filled with real hot air

drinks being passed around by punch drunks

and the word of the day on the chalkboard was

pity me fool

Wait a minute, I count three

no wonder I failed the entrance exam.

I did learn something that day

spying through the cracks of education

I saw a little girl in a corner all alone

with a wet sponge on her head

for special effects

when she wanted to cry a river

looked more realistic

she had a sign hung around both heads

"Please take my life, not my words"

I didn't think that was real smart

because in this world we all share

if you take our words

you're taking our life

of course if she didn't have two faces

she wouldn't be sitting there

all alone

wearing their school colors of green

it's really as easy as that

doesn't take a masters degree to figure it out.

I'll never run for President

wasn't much good as a King

except to kick bad habits

I carry too much weight

on the shoulders

and around the mid-section

but that's me

plain and simple

nothing pretty

Just a man who wants to love his beautiful woman.

The spotlight is yours now

I'm a semi-retired janitor

who cleans up on the weekend

just don't look in the mirror

you'll see no reflection

even ugly is afraid to cast your shadow.

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I enjoyed this poem. During my 40 credit college 'career' I often wasn't overly impressed by the pompous pretentious windbags in these mind programing institutions either.