"Think About It"

Think About It

Think about it

could it really be true

is the salt overflowing

or grains sprinkled few?


you say maybe

but think about it

mold it together

feel the truth seep through thoughts

stir it up

what do you get,


You've known me for a while

through words shared

is there a chance mine don't ring true

could it be

think about it,

Any false alarms going off

ever known the cyber cops being called?

I know you know me

Ha! you say

only words

screened emotions

but I ask,

Think about it

am I real

can you feel

add two and two

if it makes three

maybe, you don't know me.

If you get four

is that the right answer

only you know

but it does open the door

for more possibilities,

Just think about it.

©Brian Glenn

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