"Good Friends And New Horizons"

Closet Space

Good Friends And New Horizons

Welcome to the show that never ends

a poet's hideway

a writer's haven,

you've just checked into New Horizons.

A place to face fear

even grab a beer

do a little small talk

take a long walk



enjoy your time.

Stop in and introduce yourself

join a social gathering

play a couple games

do a little dance

don't be shy,

your among friends.

We got *balancing*

for perfect form

no, I'm not talking about our beautiful women here

we all know their true beauty,

I'm talking about the poetry.

We got *tranquil*

where most of our writer's gather

creating perfection

in our eyes


and minds.

We have *heart*

yes we do

the power of love,

something I wish for everyone.

You can hide in the *shadows*

where darks deepest voice calls

there will be an ear to listen

a heart to care,

come on by and share.

We got *political* bull

*short stories* and *tales*

and then there's erotic

a place for puddles,

but I'll never tell.

It's all about friends, people

kindred spirits

wonderful hearts

a beautiful melody,

all singing to our souls

when you check in,

with Good Friends and New Horizons.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

EXCELLENT start to finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!