
Vanilla is the all time favorite,

but every winner has its rival.

Chocolate wins the game sometimes,

Vanilla trembles at its arrival


Chocolate stands infront;

it boasts in first.

But vanilla finds its way back,

it has a thirst,

it craves a gold metal,

not silver,

nor bronze,

if it doesn't get first,

it will never move on.


Vanilla icecream is found in many forms;

in popsicles,


even within chocolate.

Sometimes the rivals work together

to form a masterpeice.

Then after, the thought is deceaced.

They say to each other,

No, its to late.

Even though the thought is so great.

We can't rule the world,

though that would be nice,

but we are just flavors,

mixed in with ice.


Vanilla, finds its way back,

but its return is based on taste buds.

People get cravings,

they must satisfy their needs,

they suffer with greed.

Vanilla, still in first,

its wants burst.

It wanted first,

but not this way.

Vanilla wasn't sure if it should stay.

It wanted to return with glory,

but instead,

it was not an important story.


Vanilla talked with Chocolate,

It noticed that Chocolate felt the same way.

Chocolate asked if it should go away.

But Vanilla replied NO,

there will always be a show,

starring Chocolate and Vanilla.

It'll be great, I tell ya.

I hate to say this,

but under the fog and blinding mist,

I always admired you,

I always loved this things you do.

You and I should be a team,

because now, I'm positive as green.


So in the end,

Chocolate and Vanilla were a team.

And as strange as it seems,

the end is only the begining.


















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Panther777's picture

Ha! cute,this poem reminds me

Ha! cute,this poem reminds me of my friends and I getting into fights, in the end, we always end up on the same team.

Morningglory's picture

Ha! I have a friend we call

Ha! I have a friend we call chocolate so this kinda made me smile with him in mind. 

Copyright © morningglory