
sunshine skirting shadows
slant slightly
slipping slowly south
shimmering so selflessly
sharing soulful sorrow
saturated surfaces swallow
seashore's sweltering scouts
surreptitious soldiers
sneaking softly
similarly surrendering
sensuously segued
steadily solely stealing suitors
since sultry savage Summer
spent surf's silent sand
spurned since September's
sunniest sensational stay.................
(May 30, 2012 146am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was inspired by fellow post poems poetess Cynthia's poem, 'She Sinks Ships' http://www.postpoems.org/authors/cynthia/poem/926268 and even told her so in an appreciative critique. Finally a poem all my own came to me. Enjoy, though I believe Cynthia's poem is far superior to mine. Feel free my fellow post poem poets to read and critique both. I know I would enjoy your input and am almost certain Cynthia herself would appreciate such attention on her own inspiring poem. Let us see if her inspiration that spurred me on can create a lovely domino affect on others and not just end with me. It is not easy to twist the mind in such a manner. Think of it as trying to iron a shirt in the rain! (laughs) That is the best example I could use to explain the level of difficulty such task for me carried with it. Happy reading all.............M.

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