
intentionally or unintentionally
one should never mislead
his readers in poetry
is just bad policy
and disfavored influence
on the part of the
so called poet
educators, fans and renowned
poets themselves would quickly
themselves fall in line to agree
there are certain unwritten rules
even the least of us in talent
must follow
to write what one knows
is 'The Fabled High Road'
ignorance or lack there of
is no excuse for misleading
the reader with a carelessly
placed vague comment
then being arrogant when it is
pointed out for the flaw that it is
and hiding behind the 'poetic license'
to any poet worth his creativity
arrogance would be the last
banner of reply beneath which
he would stand
humility he will learn
through experience and writing
is always the better poet's hand................
(May 10, 2012 332pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for a fellow post poems poet (who shall remain nameless). This said poet wrote a poem and I critiqued it he had written a misleading statement about a known saying and I called him on it that he was being misleading with his use of that line and his only reply back was 'poetic license' which I countered it's not creative if it's misleading. He then replied it's not misleading if one does not intentionally do so. I was highly perturbed by the arrogance of the poet. If I misquote something or am misleading I want my fellow poets to correct my gaff. I would thank them for their comments and fix my mistake immediately. Feel free my fellow poets if you agree or disagree with me on this matter I would love your input.

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