
I read they smoldered
for 99 days
and that NBC news
correspondent Reheema Ellis
was the first to call
that double burning pit
to America's heart
Ground Zero
it took nearly ten years
for me to learn these
two telling facts
I was reminded
then of my own
palpable rage
mixed with pity and tears
along side some joy
for those who quickly
returned to their
one true home
though I grieved
for their devastated
loved ones they left behind
I knew all happened
as it was supposed to
for nothing gets by God
unless he allows it
and look at all the good
that has risen from
the smoke and ashes of
such tragedy
I believe
we are an even stronger nation
of patriotic Americans today
we will always have our differences
but let dark hours fall upon us
and we unite
to become the brightest
most imposing light
the world has ever seen
I've read many an article
and or personal letter
from foreigners of
numerous nations
telling of how they admire
our ability to mobilize
and unite
for just as that ribbon
I bought not long after
9-11 in my car says
even to this day
United We Stand
that is
'The Soul Of America'
being expressed
the terrorists
only served to make
us even stronger
so in that regard
Our Forefathers
would be proud..............
(Sept. 10, 2011 935am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

read several articles and watched some news shows and that churned back up all those old feelings and questions and thoughts that surrounded the events of 9-11.

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