
I believe
I read your words
perhaps a little deeper
than you wrote them
but I must confess
something within
my innermost being
called upon me to say
tell her to reach a little bit
farther into self
the isolation is but
a skimming one finds
atop the surface of a pool
beneath that is
'Where The True Water Lies'
(the water of life)
fear keeps our fingers
from delving a little
farther down
to touch that real
that is more real
than even your deepest breath
or your strongest heart beat
or your most memorable goodbye
why even the worst broken bone
you have ever felt crack in your leg
that sent you rushing to
the nearest hospital
making you feel such
physical pain few people
get the opportunity to feel
there is a river
deep within that is more
real than
the unarguable beauty of
say Niagara Falls
more innocent and pure
than a new born baby's
opened eyes
curious will be your
yet revealed surprise
you are the greatest love
you will ever know
God reflects that
with your every breath of life
illuminating from your
lively alert eyes
why do you think
everyone agrees
with that time held true
adage of
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
they believe it
because deep, deep down within
in that place you just admitted in this poem
that you have yet to dive fearlessly
to discover
you know
just like the rest of the fully self aware
it is doubtlessly true
you are innately good
no matter what your fearful
egotistic mind tells you
because your soul
quietly teaches you otherwise
from a place that
does not recognize
fear, rejection nor time
you are truly
deep and wise
and the world will never
know another you
not for a million millennium
before nor after tomorrow's
think of that the next time
you write a poem
and just see what you are
then quite able to comprise..................
(Jan. 23, 2011 814pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My poetic reply to fellow post poems poetess Liaflorano's poem 'Safer In Isolation' which by the way her poem is a very beautiful poem I suggest others who read this one of mine read her's first and see for themselves what inspired this poem out of me. Happy reading everyone!

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