
you will have to excuse me and my
misguided ideals
to the sense and side of the so often insane
this ludicrous idea wholeheartedly appeals
it's difficult to predict from what angle my next
yet summoned opinion will come from
after all I feel poetry is my compensation for all
else I have not yet become
before when there has been justification to do so
I have stopped my love dead in its terrible schemes
denial of all that is natural can make escapism
become the end to the means
naked ideas and new prejudices lurk in paths of
thoughts startling and outdated
why the mind becomes numb when it feels its been
properly sated
sometimes the attraction can be an attraction within
it's not necessary nor favorable to play up the matter
if I had a choice
indeed between the two
I would have to choose the latter
my words speak for me in firm but fluid tones
over matters of hatred, jealousy, racism, and death
I make major bones
I was born into a loving family but I always make
my way alone
we each must build our solidified souls
stone by steadfast stone
when I feel the heat of society shooting me their
haggard eyes full of destruction and death
I stand firm, shake down my defenses, lock up my
heart and take a deep calming breath
perhaps one day our ability to love won't be so
limited and our visions of what actually is
won't be so impaired
beauty can only become more beautiful when it is
saved and selflessly shared......
( written June 16, 1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some of my every day sort of thoughts at the ripe old age of 23 (laughs)

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