
a two penny bum

that is what you are

sure you work

you make a living

but to me  you give out crumbs

you're an angry little man

mildly capable of loving

but a miser with your heart

I'm so sick of the games

I've been a fool for a lot of


but trust me

that will change

what you don't realize


my love tank is low

nearly running on fumes

and you just keep pushing me

until one day this carriage won't coast


then where will you be

standing alone in a place you

don't recognize

left holding a key to a home

that no longer exists

yet somehow I doubt if

you are able to fully process

that very real possibility

when you start your shit of

acting like such a loveless bastard

your coldness shall one day absorb

all that warmth the man you once

were had

and that is one icy skin I can not


not without some more fight and

pain from you

but now I know that's just the way

of the journey

so why complain

rather just work and mend my way


for at the end of our twisted tango

I shall bow

and be gracious

but more so thankful and alive......................

(Oct. 13, 2008 357am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

reflecting on a fight.

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