
don't you know
'My Dear Soulful Man'
I am breathlessly aware
that you bathe me
in a beauty that's all your own
to no other feature of delight
do my lips lift
well perhaps a little
I am feigning this
from time to time
happy children, sweet dogs
and whimsical adult customers
along side co workers
at my work place
can make me smile
but its a professional sort of
touching of my heart
a small joy you might say
that God allows me
for just a little while
but it's you my sweetest love heart
of all
that stirs my fondest grin
it's you that lifts my whole being
like Atlas
ever and ever and still ever again
every wondrous thing there is
draws you to my mind
gentled and tender and tirelessly
just there
loving me without end
Pining and Longing
why they have become
my comrades in heart
they travel with me like minstrels
to none but mine own ears
just as around every vague corner
notion of what's possibly
supremely romantic
its there you then appear
I see you at a local ice cream parlor
eating ice cream cones with me
as you make me laugh uproariously
on a nearby passing street
I see you over my shoulder in
the greeting card aisle as I laugh
at this or that Hallmark heart strumming treat
you are everywhere that counts and even
places that make no sense
you haunt all my pasts and fill the possibilities of
a future with brimming visions of wholeness
you offer yourself but not just you
for with you comes a family all my own
I longed for long before I even longed for a
man just like you
because of you
I live more humbly thankful now than I ever did
the blessings in my life prior
if they could be stacked
were miles high
but you've added the creme de la creme
to my inner most being
and the sweet just keeps getting sweeter
words are my life's blood and for you
I'd bleed of them every last drop
to make you happier than the word 'SUBLIME"
in my heart, mind and eyes there is you
and then farther and still farther back
there stands the rest of the world
dim, small and insignificant
simply because
you make me glad I'm me
since being me means
I'm loved by this most wonderful
amazing being
aptly enough called you..................
(July 13, 2010 410am)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for the man who has captured my enchantment and made it his own.

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