
paradox sweet paradox

blistered by only shear might

where is he and in what realm of reality

does he reside in tonight

the challenge to not disappear even though

I really do not know how

out weighs by far any and all good reason of

what I wish and shall

do that is

oh, how the madness of the moment strips me of

any balm of logic or guarded good sense

never shall I embrace the one who wakes me

from such sad sweet slumber

so achy and tense

and there are invisible bars

where there should be warm welcoming arms

to hold me as longing seeks her desirous


are these wonderfully dreadful feelings I

harbor to mask

real or just some tormented illusion

wait for me in your most secret yet daring heart

and the future that will come to bridge our

guided love will brighten any previous hope

that either of us could have ever had

try as I might to not live for you now

for give me

for I've really got it for you

so very bad ...... and how..........

(March 19, 1996)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

waiting for that one true future love............

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