
in the questionable powers of man

that exist today

and these glimmering hopes of mine

that simply are

I sullenly reside in refuge

between the two


an outcast's grim reflection

bathed in self doubt's rampant scars

branded before all to bare witness

weak and to be pitied

blessed light

hold me without accusation

when I fearfully scream

beloved mercy

moisten the hair line crack of my

sorrow's pain

seep in to find some numbing sustenance

where only hunger, want and weakness lived


I am yours

at the hands of such incredibly scary


I am doubly humbled

for where I was dead

living on the edge of life

balefully looking in  

you've repaired such lifeless tomb of

humanity so I may soar with the love of

a graceful prying steel fist

pit against the slow death growing inside

my bone's bitter breast

you then raised my limp lethargic lungs

to each their full breath's mast

and secured a stronger will in this foreign

warrior heart

to newly begin to beat

youthful pulse and wealthy vigor

throughout my thready veins

swift and healthy by contrast

now without the body's constant looming

death lingering by my side

the joy of my spirit lifts up effortlessly

to view you in your radiant best

you are pure love without end my Lord

my future

my protector

my truest trusting friend

not to be denied

I've loved you long since before I was


and I'll love you longer still after I have


for you are the only answer

where all questions formally preside...........

(June 25, 1999)

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