
if disappointment had a face

why, I am certain that I

would know its every shadowed feature

every last plane, hollow and valley

and almost entirely too I must confess

by sheer memory alone

such ever the constant

could not hide in the thick choking

moment from me for long

'tis just not possible

as we are truly the oldest of forced

friends now

where once I thought we were merely the

most general of passing acquaintances

but that was only until

repeated tragic circumstance

had her ugly cunning way


here is where one must bark at me

with such abject delight

fate ye be absurdly damned

fairness and fortitude

never stood a chance

such harassment heaped by happen since

classic fools are quite rather famous

but mostly by throngs of other fellow

fools for panning empty streams of gold

'tis naught more than a miserly existence

I just took such artful downfall

one might say to a much trickier level

of pelted gall

self destruction such as this

for many is only just the beginning

quite thankfully though

much more than most

I am by far indeed

far more stronger

than the far too simple sum of my umpteen

tainted flaws

and to the currently embittered psyche

such crude point is alas

in a startling sense

well taken

what more could one's true inner self ask for

other than that

in the end

simple serene acceptance

of facts........................

(May 30, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was so enjoying the tumbling out of all those words and ideas onto the page. I thoroughly enjoyed the easy flow of this piece almost as much as the general content.

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