
such an entrancing deep accented voice

it haunts me so lovingly

even in my sleep

and makes such innocent love to my

tender senses

such strain less emotion holds me captive

a sweet blessed discontent

anchors me to his recently

well lit harbor

even in the fiercest storm

why hurricanes themselves would fear

such 'A Wild Avid Heart's Pouring'

so you see

I need no cleverly placed boards to

cover these thought to be compromised

windows of mine

for my pride's private stock and before

barely even touched inventory are quite

safe and sound

so handsomely terrific in its making

has become this personal temptation

with such sweet deep breath's gasp

I await my steel tempest's splash

fully into my life

while a tremulous surge of blood

plays Vivaldi's Four Seasons

to better accompany it would seem

my own desires magnificent view

with little qualm

I walk with the aid of hope's very

own life stick

crawling forever nay

and when I look up to see your calm

expectant face

I break into a rich rewarding run

towards you

as I steal from you

your hungry pride less heart

your smile hugs my entire being

and our mutually delighted laughter

seals us both up into the lining of

such a blameless eternal.........

ecstasy's very own kiss

to love anyone is bliss


but for me to love my you

now that is a rare yet quite specific


and this poor little pitifully pledged

poem seals only just a little of our

latest rift

can you forgive me for forgetting your

birthday now

somehow, I think in my souls warmest room

you already have

so how could I not love you more than I

already do

its just that easy

my so fragile darling

that's all.....................

(Sept. 7, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for M.A.K.

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