
a farthing of good taste

oh, if only Demoral could be had

angst of my bedeviled muse

rides ponies of wax

across desserts of thought

infested heat

where are you today

off in the wilds of my mind

creating your usual havoc

burning up dried creek beds

and making lavish pools

out of drizzles of mere morning


the mischief rises to rant at its

favorite bitch

what to write about

something with a little more

consistency please

besides the catch all thoughts

that love to linger and clutter

up my creativity

stain like cliches

pickle the juice of my pen

save me euphoric preoccupation

these words need a master

and my own plumbing doesn't seem

to fit the bill

no holds barred

craft the edginess of the soul

disappointed in me

she bends me to her superior will

making me chief slave to her goal

a rescue team for the boredom

these frightful half and half thoughts

milk of what I've always longed to be

A Poet


A free agent of want..............

(June 26, 2000 11pm)

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