
almost festive

this new wall paper mood I am in

so unaffected by the colorless mundane

eager for sleep to take me a few more precious

hours closer to you

see, I love her ability of passing that

retarded interloper


a little faster

but always

I love you more

your eyes trace my every thought

you captivate me

by simply breathing

your melodic voice could stop a thousand fears

from every coming to light

in my mind

you are that beautiful

so many times I hug myself

mentally close

feeling so blessed

even in this pain

of being away from you

soulfully concluding

you are the absolute best part of me

the part of me that I've always known

was missing

you met me at my worst

and loved me back into my so very best

in retrospect

you saved me

and the me I could have become

without you

thank you so much for this

my never having known you

would have been

such an unrealized tragedy

emotional devastation

at the highest level

never to be discovered

I truly feel

God so generously gave you to me

to show me in his awesome way of loving

how so very much he loves me

and has so obviously always loved me

looking through new eyes

its so easy to see

all along you were my one 'true' path

your name revealed this to me

what a beautiful revelation.........

(written Nov. 16,2001 330am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for S........

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