
deep beneath my darker depths

of my often too, too troubled mind

I find 'the touch with reality' that we all

at one time or another seem to need which

others rarely in themselves seem to find

there are so many matrix's of moments

like this too soon lost

how little the benefits are in comparison

to how large the end in cost

I not only fully understand the problem but

the over generalized reason as to why this

self defeating adult's game I continue to play

I seem to work just so hard only to hinder

myself emotionally blind and simultaneously

shoot myself in the unsuspecting foot when over

the lines of unacceptable acceptance I stagger

to stray

there are icons of graphic proportions guiding

me though

through such high spiritedly haunted ghosts of


but my only even off chance to heal this ten year

festered wound is by putting each and every even/

odd priority into its prim and proper place

by leading all shame and other forms of self

destruction away from my own drearily darkened

door step and firmly sending them on their not

so merry way........................

(written Oct. 15, 1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my personal vow to try to be a better person.

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