
I've never had the pleasure to gently touch his lips

nor taste his chaste kiss

and yet a grand image of unprescribed passion

appears when ever I stop long enough to think of this

all the while in his ageless eyes I see such unblinking


does he not see what it is that I so long to miss

a true gentleman's touch whether it be from a young

man or old

someone to shake the terrible tree of loneliness and

bring my semi-sedate emotions into play once more

some two to ten fold

know that in this insane instance I will not merely do

as I am told

but I will over come and conquer these unforced fears

of unworthiness and drain full distrust

and be fully truthful alas to myself and label this fiery

feeling for what it is

mere uncomplicated lust...

( written Feb.8,1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

wanting someone so badly  but realizing it for what it is just a desire of the flesh and attempting to put a stop to it.

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