
grossly preoccupied

that is what the world must be

to let still go on

such vile acts of deliberate atrocity

the manglers continue to bloodily cleanse

their religious counterparts with such

magnificent ease

their brutality rarely fails nor ends

only grows wider to destroy

like a wild forest fire in the breeze

whichever way the under dog crosses

by his nemesis he is further damned with the

explosion of yet more angry weapons' fire

too many, too long now to count are the current

life losses

never or so it seems will the aggressor

apparently of his mission tire

as frail and starved humanity hangs on in a

hell like country devoured by virtually

uninterrupted hate

while the rest of the planet watches and waits

as more and more food trucks roll in to feed

whats left

an embarrassing effort that is simply just

not enough and far far too late

we know its not right to let such mass human

slaughter to continue

one can only pray that soon there will open up

a far more productive venue

for frankly NATO is just not enough

for she can not muster up the nerve even to

defend you....................

(Aug 7, 1995)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I believe I wrote this about Rwanda. I made no notes as to what I am referring to so if its not that then I could be referring to Bosnia as those are the only two horrifying actual events that I could be referring to in this time frame....

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