
if I do not dance slowly I fear I'll miss your precious beat

yet again

the interest lies unhidden in his eyes

I can all too clearly see it there

I wonder how he acts away from the so neutral work place

I can nearly tell and to this I would soon swear

but my hopeful assumption falters without any real grace

a young man of the lower 48 who has fallen into a predictable


but pinned with an articulate stare like that

how could I move

I can see him in my life even if not in my bed

I hear his smile in the dark

and picture his laughter in my head

he is like no book that I've ever read

why, he's the words that went without having to be


excuse the tears that have undeniably pooled in my

eyes due to such a momentary lapse

but as such a wish overtakes my sorted thoughts

my heart it also too tenderly entraps

now that my night is nearly over

my day yet to dawn

hopefully by the next night's fall this trembling

weakness will fade and soon be gone...........

( written Nov 4,1992 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

what else but another crush on who knows who? I sure can't recall it now.

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