
come now if you wish to play me at my own game

you must step up to meet my particular pace

love likes to go by only one name

and has been known to vanish without a single trace

deflecting and dousing the use of the favorable term


when we close our eager eyes to the way things really


we can't run fast and well with our disillusionment

but we can go far

and deeper and deeper into the depths we silently sink

taking our true dignity apart link by broken link

we see not our mistakes as they present themselves to

really be

but as perfection with one small flaw

that makes us unable to truly see

while wading through such wastelands of warped


Intelligence can almost seem a compatible rival

we should shy away from

if I question myself too long I grow tender yet numb

and if I dig just a little too deep

I find what I was afraid I would find

to be human means to your own self

you're quite a bit dumb............

( written Feb 14, 1992 pm)

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